Major Studio 1: 5 in 5 Project 4

For my 4th project I decided to move away from the ones I was doing before. In this one I wanted to develop a t-shirt brand, something I had been interested in doing for some time now. I started to look at some brands that had already been created for inspiration. I started by looking into some of the brands I like right now. One is called Boiler Room, an online live-streaming music project, and Noon Pacific, a radio and music curation brand.

Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 7.32.30 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 7.33.34 PM.png

Inspired by these, I created my brand called Pool Party.

Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 7.45.56 PM.png

I also created a few t-shirt designs.



For my third project I wanted to continue exploring color and time. I wanted to find another way to find trends and patterns in the colors of the pictures I took for 24 hours. Over the weekend, I joined a data visualization class, so I thought it would be cool to start practicing on how to make these. I decided to do a data visualization of the colors of the day.

I started by gathering the color swatches for all 48 pictures. To make the color visualization I only wanted to use the main 6 colors in the pictures, so I reduced the amount of colors in Photoshop to 8 and then excluded the black and white colors. Then, I exported the swatches as their own separate files.

Screen Shot 2017-09-07 at 1.26.10 AM.png
Screen Shot 2017-09-07 at 2.02.16 AM.png

After exporting the Photoshop swatches, I then imported these to Illustrator and started working on my data v

Screen Shot 2017-09-07 at 2.52.44 AM.png

These is the first version of the data visualization. In it I kept the time I was asleep as a greyscale.

Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 7.06.51 PM.png

After analyzing the first data visualization, I noticed I could remove the time when I was sleeping. I also decided to remove the greyscale colors. The visualization below is the final design. After analyzing it further, I noticed that I could spot trends where there were more colors and that these sections related to the most colorful parts of my day. For example, between 22:00 and 23:30, I was at a party at House of Yes, which is a very colorful club in Brooklyn.

Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 7.07.12 PM.png


While doing the first 5 in 5 project, I noticed that having a constant subject to take pictures of would create an interesting collage of images. Therefore, I went back to set my alarms every 30 minutes, but this time I turned the camera around and took a selfie every 30 minutes for 24 hours. To add another layer of difficulty, I decided to stay awake for the whole 24 hours.


Again, after gathering the pictures, I went back to Photoshop and aligned the pictures in strips. This time I decided to use horizontal strips instead of vertical ones.

The end result is not particularly flattering

The end result is not particularly flattering


Major Studio 1: 5 in 5 Project 1

For my first 5 in 5 project, I wanted to explore the relationship between color and time throughout a day. To do this, I took a picture every 30 minutes for 24 hours. By doing this, I aimed to find if it was possible to find any patterns or relationships between to photographs. I was not sure what the outcome would be, so the main purpose was also to experiment with the assets (the 48 pictures) and create one final image.

Final image collage with 48 pictures.

Final image collage with 48 pictures.


The first step was taking the pictures, so I set alarms in my phone for every 30 minutes.


With the pictures taken, I compiled the into a collage of vertical strips.


I tried to grab the most interesting section of each photograph to create the final collage. I found that it's hard to discern any details unless the picture is seen printed in a large format or it's seen up close such as in the image below.


CC Lab: Arduino Assignment 1

For our CC Lab assignment we were asked to program our Arduino to turn on an LED when a button is pressed and turn it off when it is pressed once again. We learned how to use Debounce in this circuit.



The start of the MFADT program at Parsons is different from any other program. A month before classes start you are asked to attend a 3-week induction to the 3 different areas where the program revolves around. It's intense, challenging and fast, and it appropriately called Bootcamp.

Everyday we attended three classes: Web, Design and Code. In each one we looked at the basic concepts of that area and started to get familiar with the main coding languages used. In Web we studied website structures as well as HTML, CSS and Javascript languages. In Design we dived into the basic concepts of human-centered design and practiced rapid prototyping. In Code we learned how to use Processing and its language to give a computer commands and instructions to perform simple tasks.


In the following posts of this blog I'll be showcasing the final projects I created for each class. I'll also update this post with the links to the final projects posts.

Go Team Dragonite!
(This was my bootcamp section).